Reinsman Equestrian is the elite brand in Performance saddles. Main features of all RE saddles include a lifetime tree warranty, genuine woolskin skirt lining, hand tooled leather, upgraded hardware and trim, and hand stitched riggings, horns, and cantle bindings. These saddles are handmade in Texas and fully customizable with the top of the line features to create the highest quality product. Reinsman offers unique Marlene McRae’s Special EFFX Performance Saddle System, as in Marlene McRae Special Effx Barrel Saddle. It is giving you a bulletproof foundation with horn and cantle.
The embossed pattern across the saddle makes it irresistible
Reinsman offers a complete line bit made the USA start your horse, enhance performance, and finish your bridle horse. They create saddle pads that range from the best first pad available, to exceed high-performance demands, and pads that solve every conformation issue. All of these make in the USA.
Reinsman is continually evolving and expanding
They continuously increase not only the range of saddles but also tack and related accessories. Every Reinsman pad is created with the highest quality saddle pads from the best materials. Reinsman goal is to help riders select the right seat pad for their application by providing educational resources. The unique construction methods allow for our pads to be engineered for maximum performance and back protection. They have USA Hi-Tech fibers, so the inside of your saddle pad is just as reliable as the outside.
In our store, you can choose the Reinsman Contour Swayback Tacky Saddle Pad. This pad is specially designed for a horse with a swayback. If your horse has to bridge across the back, space needs to be filled in to equalize the pressure and redistribute weight. This pad by Reinsman bridged the gap between the saddle and swayed back eliminating pressure points. As you can see, the main advantages of Reinsman are quality, durability and new technologies. On this page, you will find offers that meet these criteria.