In this section, we offer Western Australian Saddles – explicitly designed for a long ride. Their design includes additional rigid stops for the knee. This saddle was originally developed for a shepherd. It is suitable for a short drive, long transitions for many kilometers. Therefore it is better to choose this saddle for lovers of long horse walks. For a fast ride, it is much worse. The Australian saddle will not rub the back of the horse and don’t beat it, despite the heavyweight. Thus, the Australian saddle fits more for a horse with a rather long back. Extended fenders may interfere with contact with horse sides.
The main advantage for the owner is the high back bow
This gives a more fixed fit and reduces the risk of falling. It is best to pick up the saddle a half size more, to avoid hitting both bows. About this saddle, they say “you sit as in a chair.” It is convenient to lean back a little, stretch your legs slightly forward and enjoy a leisurely walk.
Stock Poly Saddle without Horn is a popular saddle that has many advantages. It is made of durable leather, comes with 4 in the deep seat and brass plated hardware. You can, of course, choose a seat in your favorite color. In this section, apart from the Australian saddle, we offer various accessories, for example, Pocket Leather. It is made of beautiful quality leather and is available in multiple colors, and of course, fits the left or right side of the saddle.
We also offer Weaver Leather Conditioner
It softens and protects leather while repelling water. The conditioner contains natural ingredients from Australia including tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, emu oil, beeswax, and lanolin. We are confident that you will find a high-quality Australian saddle in your favorite color and size.