Horse saddle bags fasten to the Western saddle for you to store your essentials when out on the trail. The leather is the best durable material that is used in saddle bags. Western saddle bags are created for the convenience of riders. Insulated and waterproof saddlebags are perfect for carrying waters, first aid kits, and different snacks.
We suggest a varied selection of horseback riding Saddlebags, Holders and Saddle Packs, so you can carry along what you need on your trail ride. We have top brands of western leather saddlebags from Cashel, Tucker, Tough-1 and Weaver Saddlebags easily attach to your pommel, cantle, or any D-rings you have available on your saddle. You can choose no-bounce, insulated, large saddle packs, synthetic, leather and more depending on your needs.
What leather is best for our trail saddlebags?
Weaver bags are made of weather resistant leathers, or weather resistant Cordura type nylons. Stitching is the best in this bag. Only premium harness, chap and latigo leathers are used here. Any saddlebag needs quality care. Each rider must have several saddle bags, depending on how long he is going to be gone. Water bottle, a baggie of feed, snack, spare socks, sunscreen, first aid kit, and other necessary things should be with you.
Weaver makes a wide variety of high-quality leather and nylon tack
They make bits, saddle parts, breast collars, leashes, brushes and combs, cinches, cotton leads, curbs, halters, halter bridles, saddle bags, saddle pads and blankets, saddle scabbards, spurs, stirrups, tie downs, trailer and cross ties, training equipment, and whips. We offer a large selection of saddle bags that will satisfy all your needs and desires.